You Are Welcome Here

Whether you’re visiting this site for the first time, thinking about coming to church, or are a seasoned member of ICRC, welcome.

More importantly, you are welcome here.

New, old, tired, questioning, and maybe Christians — you are welcome here.

Stayed out too late, rich, poor, jeans, suit, heels, sneakers — you are welcome here.

Worried, angry, tired, lazy, crazy, happy, silly, quiet, loud — you are welcome here.

Younger, older, nearer, far-er, familiar, stranger — you are welcome here.

Visiting, looking for a church home, new to the neighbourhood, just wondering — you are welcome here.

Inglewood CRC strives to be a welcoming place for all who cross its path. We are excited to meet you, and look forward to getting to know you, your story, and growing together in Christ.

When you come through the doors on a Sunday morning, you will find a smiling face from the Welcome Ministry Team waiting at the door to say hello.

Want to talk a little more? Someone will be happy to talk with you, and direct you to a Ministry Staff Member if you’d like to meet with one of them.

As you learn more about Inglewood, you will find that there are many opportunities to grow in faith, fellowship, friendship, and community.

As you explore this website, you will find many details about where we are focused and what we are passionate about. If you have any questions or want to talk, please reach out to a Ministry Staff Member — they will be happy to speak with you.

As you decide what step to take next, please know: there is a place for you here, and you are welcome.