Community Outreach

Inglewood CRC’s Outreach Committee is responsible for running various ministries, striving “to be the hands and feet of Jesus” in the community. Each ministry has a unique community among those who frequent it; and, with their longstanding presence, most have become distinctly known in the Inglewood Neighbourhood culture.

Here are some of the programs and projects that we are actively involved in:

Neighbourhood Table

Developed after a successful 6-week summer pilot project in the summer of 2015; now, twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, a nutritious meal is provided here at Inglewood Christian Reformed Church. These meals are designed to reduce hunger, promote healthy eating, improve mental health, and build community.

This ministry is funded through grants from:

  • An Aboriginal Project

  • The Edmonton Public School Board

  • The Outreach Committee Budget

  • Private Donations

  • The Edmonton Food Bank

This ministry is supported through dedicated volunteers who cook and serve the food to those attending the dinners. Volunteer support is imperative for this ministry to be able to provide these meals to the public. If you are interested in getting involved then please go to our Contact Us page.

Soccer Camp

This annual soccer camp is hosted through a partnership with “Athletes in Action”. Each summer, more than 40 children from ICRC and the neighbourhood gather at the Inglewood community soccer fields for a time of faith and physical fitness.

This camp promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, teaches soccer skills, shares Bible stories, and builds community. Snacks and lunches are provided.

This group that has fun together through physical activity and meaningful discussions about the love of Jesus, is supported by a group of enthusiastic athletes and volunteers who help guide the children that attend.

The Edmonton Native Healing Centre

The Outreach Committee is also involved with The Edmonton Native Healing Centre, supporting them in their work.

The Edmonton Food Bank donates turkeys for the ENHC’s Christmas party. The Outreach Commitee gathers socks, mitts, gloves, and hats in the winter for the participants from the Centre. Thanks to donations from community supporters, Inglewood’s Bread Program makes sandwiches every Monday morning and delivers them to ENHC.