Deacon's Corner
March 2025
Please prayerfully consider how you can support this month's offering causes and consciously plan your donation
“First Bag” Collection Causes
March 02: WR Food Grains (Canadian Food Grains Bank) - The vision of the Canadian Food Grains Bank is “A world without hunger.” Their mission is “working to end global hunger.” Canadian Food Grains Bank is a partnership of Canadian churches and church-based agencies working to end global hunger. Canadian Food Grains Bank is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that it is God's desire that no person should go hungry. The availability of food and access to that food is fundamental to life itself. Food is required to sustain life, to provide the strength for work, and to share in the fellowship of one's family and community. As a founding member of the Canadian Food Grains Bank, World Renew responds to the needs of families affected by conflict and natural disasters through life-saving emergency food assistance in countries around the world.
March 09: Edmonton Newcomer Centre (formerly known as the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN)). EMCN was born – to walk with newcomers in their integration process – to fill out forms they couldn’t understand – to advocate for newcomers when the system did not serve them adequately – to build relationships through language classes taught by volunteers – to pile newcomers into cars in the search of employment – to reflect the new cultural landscape by hiring first, Vietnamese, and later other nationalities who were now established and who could mentor newcomers – and to support the community as they established their own organizations. EMCN works with up to 17,000 newcomers each year, from all parts of the world, out of three locations and various community locations in the Edmonton area. EMCN currently have about 230 staff, that together, speak and offer service in over 50 languages.
March 16: Edmonton Society for Christian Education - ESCE has provided inter-denominational, Christ-centered education in the Edmonton area since 1949. The Society partnered with Edmonton Public Schools in 1999 to operate Edmonton Christian Schools and currently serves over 1,500 students at three locations. The mission of Edmonton Christian School is to educate students for joyful and responsible service to God and society. Believing that Jesus Christ is Lord over all of life, the school integrates faith, learning and service into the entire curriculum. The school strives to serve God’s Kingdom by developing a growing student body of motivated and equipped Christians who partner with Jesus to transform creation.
March 23: Ministry Shares–Denominational -- This idea of a “crowd funding” is something that the Christian Reformed Church has known for a long time. Already in 1862, a need was recognized by congregations of the newly formed Christian Reformed Church in North America to share their resources in order to do more and greater ministry in whatever part of the world to which God called them. Over the years this program has had different names, but is now known as “ministry shares” to better reflect the collaboration and impact that these shared dollars have in making joint ministry possible. Through Denominational ministry shares, we are able to collectively:*Train and credential pastors to be Ministers of the Word*Help all of us take part in God's mission--in our congregations, communities, and in countries faraway*Equip churches to be places that welcome and help people of all ages, abilities, and ethnic backgrounds to grow in faith and become leaders in their congregations and communities*Creatively use media to share the Gospel, disciple believers and strengthen the global church*Support chaplains as they minister to people in times of crisis*Assist congregations through programs for church revitalization, pastor renewal, ethnic leadership development, and so much more. It's an amazingly efficient system with low overhead costs that enables every CRC member to stretch their dollars further and participate in a variety of ministries more effectively and efficiently than any of us could do on our own.
March 30: One Book -- One Book's Mission is that "Every child of God deserves to experience God's Word in their own language. When The Word goes local, Bible translation introduces people to the unparalleled love and salvation of Jesus, planting in their hearts a desire to see His Kingdom prosper on earth. Faith, language, literacy, social justice, health and hope grow from these beginnings". One Book works with local communities around the world, and whenever possible, uses local translators to provide a tool kit for sustainable change, which includes: translated Scriptures, thriving literacy programs, a strengthened church, prayer support, Scripture resources and a network of support. To learn more about One Book and its mission and programs, please go to
“Second Bag” (blue bag) collection is for the church budget – We as a congregation are committed to Inglewood's annual church budget which includes:
Salaries and Benefits – for ministry staff: Pastor, Worship Director, and Church Administrator.
General Expenses – which includes the cost of congregational programs, children and youth ministry programs, worship services, outreach activities, office supplies, hospitality, janitorial care and supplies, and telephone, internet, live streaming and utilities services.
Ministry Shares – which is a proven, cost-sharing method for Churches to work together to support a variety of Denominational and Classical ministries.
Building Projects – which includes computer related costs, and building maintenance and repair costs.
Please give generously so that we will be able to honour our financial commitments to Inglewood CRC, Classis Alberta North and the Christian Reformed denomination.